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Surrey Langley SkyTrain

Surrey Central SkyTrain Station entrance

The area south of the Fraser River is one of the fastest growing in the region and it is expected that by 2050, the City of Surrey, City of Langley, and Township of Langley will welcome 420,000 new residents and 147,000 new jobs. As the population in communities south of the Fraser continues to grow, so does the demand for transit. That’s why improving rapid transit in the area is a regional priority.

The project would extend the Expo Line 16 kilometres on an elevated guideway from King George SkyTrain Station to Langley City Centre along Fraser Highway, and would include eight new stations.

Originally, based on available funding, it was expected that TransLink would extend the Expo Line 7 kilometres from King George Station to 166 St. in Fleetwood. In 2020, the province committed to delivering a full 16-kilometre extension to Langley City Centre. It is anticipated that the new extension would be in service in 2028 and the cost estimate is $3.95 billion.

For more information on the Surrey Langley SkyTrain project visit

In light of the resolution passed by the City of Surrey council on November 5, 2018, the Mayors’ Council endorsed TransLink’s recommendation to suspend the Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT Project, pausing all work in order to stop the expenditure of money and resources on the project.

We are committed to improving rapid transit in Surrey and Langley and are working with the Mayors' Council, the City of Surrey, and the City and Township of Langley to advance the best options for people south of the Fraser and the entire region. To help keep you informed about rapid transit planning south of the Fraser, please visit Surrey Langley SkyTrain.

The Surrey Newton Guildford Light Rail Transit (LRT) is the first of two phases in the South of Fraser Rapid Transit Network. It will be an integral new connection to the regional transportation system and will support the current and future transportation needs for Surrey’s growing population.

The project will introduce modern, street-level light rail transit along King George Boulevard and 104 Avenue, connecting Surrey City Centre, Guildford, and Newton with 10 km of high-quality rapid transit. The project introduces the first light rail transit system in British Columbia.

TransLink, the Government of Canada and the Province of BC are contributing more than $9 billion in transit and transportation investments across Metro Vancouver to achieve the Mayors’ 10-Year Vision. The Province committed to funding 40% of Phase Two, which includes this project, the Broadway Subway and several others.

Both TransLink and the Province are the major funders for the assets they will own. TransLink is directing most of its funding toward rapid transit south of the Fraser, and BC is directing most of its share of funding to the Broadway Project.

More information about the Surrey–Newton–Guildford LRT can be found in the Key Findings Infographic and Alternatives Evaluation Executive Summary.

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