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Capstan Station

About the Project

Capstan Station will be a new Canada Line station in the City of Richmond, built in the area of No. 3 Road and Capstan Way. It will be located between the existing Bridgeport and Aberdeen stations.

On the average weekday in 2019, there were more than 37,000 customers riding the Canada Line between those two stations.

The station is being built to support the growing development in the area and to provide customers with convenient access to the SkyTrain network. This exciting project will deliver a safe, efficient, and environmentally sustainable transportation option for the Capstan Village area, which projects up to 16,000 residents once nearby developments are completed.

TransLink has worked closely with the City of Richmond on the design of the station. It will be integrated with the nearby roads and buildings, and will meet the City’s objectives for the area, such as developing connected, transit-oriented neighbourhoods.

Canada Line customers

From January 10 to 18, 2022, we began foundation work that took place very close to the Canada Line guideway. The work required single tracking from Bridgeport Station to Richmond–Brighouse Station which temporarily reduced the train frequency during daytime hours. The work was originally scheduled to complete on February 2, 2022, but was completed earlier than expected.

Canada Line resumed normal service as of January 19, 2022. We thank our customers for their patience while the work took place.

We anticipate there will be additional work in 2022 that may once again impact service. We will do our best to minimize the impacts and notify customers in advance for their awareness.

People walking, rolling, and driving in the area

Starting the week of October 25, 2021, and for the duration of the construction period, the following impacts took effect:

  • One northbound lane on No. 3 Road will be closed from Capstan Way to Sea Island Way;

  • The sidewalk on the east side of No. 3 Road will be closed from Capstan Way to Sea Island Way;

  • The northbound bike lane along No. 3 Road will be closed; and

  • The 403 bus stop on No. 3 Road just north of Capstan Way (serving bus route 403 and the N10) has been relocated to Capstan Way just east of No. 3 Road.

Digital traffic signage is in place for motorists and detour signage has been installed in the area for cyclists and pedestrians.

Map of the future Capstan Station on Canada Line

Public engagement (Nov. 16 to 23, 2020)

  • Shared project status update and included illustrations of different views of the station. 

Station design completion (summer 2021)

  • The full station design was completed in early summer. 

Construction start (summer 2021) 

Substantial completion is expected in spring 2023.

In 2012, the Capstan Station Funding Agreement was signed between the City of Richmond and TransLink to plan for the construction of the Capstan Station on Canada Line. This was a unique funding arrangement through which the City collected funds from developers in the area in exchange for density bonuses to help raise the necessary money for the project. This was an innovative approach to building projects and delivering an improved customer service, while lessening the burden on taxpayers.

In late 2017, the City of Richmond had raised the necessary funds for TransLink to begin work on a concept design for the station.

In December 2019, TransLink and the City agreed to the design concept. Through 2020, work on the design continued and was shared with the public through a virtual open house in November. TransLink has since been working collaboratively with the City and other stakeholders to progress the design and ensure it meets the City’s objective of a connected, liveable neighbourhood.

From Nov. 16 to 23, 2020, we held a virtual open house to share the station design concept and to ask for public feedback on the design. The feedback will be reviewed by the project team and taken into consideration as the design work progresses. Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their input.

Although the engagement period is now closed, please feel free to view the Engagement Boards and the Engagement Summary Report to learn more about the project.

If you have any questions about the project, please email

We expect the station to be complete and open to customers in spring 2023.

The work may require changes to vehicle, pedestrian, and cyclist movement through the area to ensure public safety. Any potential impacts will be communicated in advance. TransLink is committed to working with our construction partners and the City of Richmond to minimize impacts on our neighbours as much as possible.

The station will include two sets of up and down escalators, two elevators, bright lighting, a commercial retail unit, bike lockers and a public art component. It will also meet accessibility standards, for example the inclusion of platform edge tactical strips.

No, the station will not include public washrooms. However, the adjacent development will have public washrooms just a few minutes’ walk from the station (i.e. approximately 70 metres away).

Planning for a public art project is underway for Capstan Station. The public art component will enhance the customer experience with thought-provoking and stunning art.

The station will include a retail space. The specific retailer is not known at this time, but will be determined closer to the completion of the station.

Due to the specific site conditions and the existing guideway, integration with the neighbouring developments was impractical. That said, we’re working closely with the City of Richmond to support the integration with adjacent public lands and active transportation corridors.

We have worked closely with the City of Richmond to ensure the design of the station will meet the needs of our customers and Richmond residents.

With each new station we continue to leverage the attributes that our customers have told us they enjoy most, including up and down escalators, bright lighting, accessibility features, and other elements to ensure an optimum customer experience.

Lake City Way Station was built after the Millennium Line opened, so this will be the second time that TransLink has built a station on one of our existing rapid transit lines.

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