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TransLink's Commitment to Community Engagement

A TransLink employee chatting with a woman at UBC during an event

Within Metro Vancouver, TransLink is not just a transit service provider, we are an active community partner dedicated to building connections that go beyond transportation. Our commitment to high quality community engagement is foundational to the projects we deliver. This is achieved by ensuring that the diverse voices of our region are heard and reflected in all the services we provide.

Commitment to Inclusivity

At TransLink, we believe that through strategic planning and engagement, the best transportation solutions are delivered. We are committed to providing equal opportunities for everyone to actively participate in shaping the present and future of local and regional transportation projects. Whether a major infrastructure project like the Broadway Subway or Surrey–Langley SkyTrain, a long-term vision like Transport2050, or local bus services, we want to hear from you.

On this page

    How You Can Participate

    We understand that one form of engagement doesn’t work for everyone. That's why we employ a variety of tools and techniques to reach as many residents as possible. Ensuring equal opportunity for all residents to share their perspective is accomplished using different engagement measures :

    In-Person Events

    Join us at community workshops, open houses and pop-ups, where you can chat with our team, share your thoughts, and contribute to projects. To learn more about current events, visit

    Online Surveys

    Visit to participate in ongoing surveys and provide your valuable input on various transportation-related topics.

    Woman looking at her mobile phone while sitting on the bus

    Turning Feedback into Action

    We understand that feedback is more than just a collection of opinions—it's a roadmap for improvement. The insights we gather from community engagements are carefully analyzed and integrated into the planning and execution of our projects. From route planning to major infrastructure construction, and long-term transportation planning, your feedback shapes the future of transportation in Metro Vancouver.

    Female TransLink employee chatting with a customer while on the community engagement bus at a public event

    Your Voice Matters

    TransLink's commitment to inclusive community engagement is an ongoing journey, and we invite every resident to actively participate. Your insights contribute to the decisions that shape the transportation landscape of Metro Vancouver. Together, let's build a transit system that reflects the richness and diversity of our communities. Join the conversation—your voice matters!

    Nine Principles for Public Engagement

    The strength of our community engagement lies in the collective wisdom of the communities we serve. Our commitment to meaningful engagement is not just a practice; it's based on a set of guiding principles that shape every aspect of our interaction. We adhere to nine Principles for Public Engagement, ensuring that our initiatives are transparent, collaborative, and reflective of the diverse perspectives that make Metro Vancouver unique. Additionally, we seek to ensure Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) are reflected in all our engagements.

    Integrate public consultation

    Public consultation will be integrated into the planning of all major capital projects, the development of all significant new policies, and all major planning processes.

    Consider both local and regional perspectives

    When geographically specific projects have broader implications, perspectives from throughout the region should be sought in addition to local views.

    Work with municipal partners

    Public consultation programs will be planned and implemented in cooperation with interested Metro Vancouver municipalities and other levels of government as appropriate.

    Clearly define the parameters of the consultations

    When starting the public consultation processes, we will define the objectives, scope, and parameters of the consultations, noting which matters are subject to dialogue with the public and stakeholders.

    This process will include estimated timing of any decisions, who the decision makers are and what criteria will be used in guiding these decisions.

    Consult in advance of key decisions

    Public consultation will be undertaken well in advance of decisions made by the TransLink Board of Directors on major projects, policies, and programs, when options are still open to consideration.

    The results of the applicable consultation process will be communicated to the board and the public for the board’s consideration of the project, plan, or policy, either in a separate report or within a broader report to the board.

    Be inclusive and accessible

    A range of opportunities and information in a variety of formats will be provided for meaningful public input, to ensure the process is appropriately inclusive.

    Public consultation>will be tailored in response to the needs of the public and stakeholders regarding the issue at hand. Activities may include, but will not be limited to, open houses, advisory committees, workshops, public forums, websites, and survey research.

    A public consultation webpage will be identified on This webpage will direct viewers to the appropriate areas of the website where public consultation reports, opportunities for feedback, etc can be accessed.

    Ensure participants have the opportunity to provide informed input

    Public consultation requires informed participants. TransLink will ensure sufficiently comprehensive and accurate information in a variety of formats is available to participants in a timely manner, and that opportunities for interaction with TransLink representatives are provided, so questions can be answered as part of the information-sharing process.

    Consider public input as advice

    Public input obtained through consultation processes is considered as advice to the SCBCTA Board opf Directors and other decision makers. The Board will use this advice in its decision-making processes, in addition to technical, environmental, social, economic, and financial information, and other considerations deemed appropriate.

    Inform participants about the results of the consultation process

    TransLink will report to the public on the results of its consultation processes in a variety of locations and formats and will demonstrate how public input has been used in its decision-making processes.

    I.D.E.A. Vision

    TransLink staff marching in the 2024 Lunar New Year parade in Chinatown

    We recognize that Metro Vancouver is an ever-growing region. To better represent the region's increasing diversity, we aim to create and expand meaningful opportunities for everyone's voice to be heard. We respect the communities we serve and strive to build genuine lasting relationships.

    Inclusion: Welcoming Every Voice

    Inclusion is a commitment to intentionally create spaces where everyone feels heard and valued. Our engagement initiatives are designed to make room for all voices, recognizing the richness that diversity brings to the conversation.

    Diversity: Celebrating our Differences

    We acknowledge and celebrate the uniqueness of each individual and community. Recognizing the diverse aspects of identity, we strive to ensure that our engagement efforts reflect the mosaic of perspectives that make Metro Vancouver vibrant.

    Equity: Breaking Down Barriers

    Equity is at the core of our commitment. We actively work to eliminate barriers, ensuring that everyone has equal access to opportunities and benefits. By addressing historical imbalances, we aim to create a level playing field for all.

    Accessibility: Opening Doors for All

    Accessibility, in both physical and digital realms, is a non-negotiable aspect of our engagement strategy. We are committed to creating spaces, information, and services that can be easily approached, used, and understood by individuals of varying abilities.

    How we Measure our Engagement

    Each engagement factors in two important categories, process evaluation and impact evaluation.

    Process Evaluation

    Process evaluation looks at inputs, activities and outputs to assess the design and implementation of a process (ie. Who participated and who did we miss, what worked and what didn’t, what can be improved in the next project, and what elements can be replicated in the future)

    Impact Evaluation

    Impact evaluation looks at outcomes and impacts to assess whether the project produced the intended effects (ie., was the process effective and efficient? Should it be continued in the future?)

    Indicators of Successful Community Engagement

    Indicators serve as benchmarks of success, gauging the accomplishment of predetermined project engagement goals and objectives. A project's success hinges on incorporating both qualitative and quantitative measures from diverse perspectives.

    Indicators can be classified as either strong or weak. Strong indicators delve into the how, why, and when aspects—not just the what—and are characterized by simplicity, measurability, significance, and action-oriented qualities. Conversely, weak indicators, often termed 'vanity metrics,' may appear impressive but lack utility. They tend to focus on short-term data or data that is easily manipulated, such as the number of social media followers, which fails to provide insights into their identity or engagement with your content.

    Indicators can come from a variety of sources including but not limited to:

    • Website and social media analytics

    • Survey results (quantitative and qualitative)

    • Event/process satisfaction surveys

    • Focus groups

    • Statistical data

    • Online listening

    • Media Coverage

    TransLink's community engagement is not just a process; it's a shared journey. Together, let's build a transportation system that reflects the aspirations and needs of our communities, where every voice is heard, every perspective is valued, and every community thrives.

    Join us in shaping the future of regional transportation!

    Engage with Us

    Visit to participate in any of our ongoing engagements.

    Past Projects

    Visit our Past Projects page to see a list of all of our concluded public engagements.